Shower Restoration & Diamon Fusion Protectant

Shower Restoration & Diamon-Fusion®

Restore the Beauty

When your shower enclosure, sink, toilet, window or windscreen was new, it was clean, clear and beautiful. Now, after years of use, it has ugly hard-water stains that won’t come off, no matter how much you scrub. You use harsh chemicals that are noxious to breathe and damage the environment, but still those stains are impossible to remove.
Until today... Traynor Glass is your local Diamon-Fusion® licensee and has the tools and products created by the DFI Labs that can RESTORE your surface to like-new condition and then protect it with the patented 

Diamon-Fusion® will keep those surfaces clean, clear and beautiful for years to come!


Why Diamon-Fusion®?

Homeowners around the globe have discovered Diamon-Fusion®’s unique products to help restore, maintain and protect surfaces. Surfaces treated with Diamon-Fusion® become water and oil repellent resulting in:

  • Less frequent cleanings
  • A reduction in mold and bacteria
  • Stain and graffiti resistance
  • Scratch resistance
  • Impact resistance
  • Resistance to leaching of calcium and
  • sodium (etching caused by hard water)
  • At least 20% more brilliance
  • (shine in glossy surfaces)
  • Environmentally friendly cleaning
before shower door replacement
after shower door replacement

Before and After 

Traynor Glass shower restoration can make your shower doors look new again!

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